Söödav Praeõli - Premium Söödav Praeõli
{"Our Email":"Meie e-post: roseworldexpressdisticaretltd@gmail.com","RBD Super Palm Olein IV60, Cloud Point 6 (CP6) has an iodine value of 60-63. Super Palm Olein is more suited to cooler climates and has cloud points of about 2°C-5°C.":"RBD Super Palm Olein IV60, hägususpunkt 6 (CP6) omab joodi väärtust 60-63. Super Palm Olein sobib paremini jahedamatesse kliimadesse ja selle hägususpunktid on umbes 2°C-5°C.","RBD Palm Olein is obtained from the fractionation of RBD Palm Oil which undergoes the process of crystallization at a controlled temperature in which RBD Palm oil is chilled until crystals are formed.":"RBD Palm Olein saadakse RBD Palm Oil fraktsioneerimise teel, mis läbib kontrollitud temperatuuril kristalliseerimise protsessi, kus RBD Palm õli jahutatakse kuni kristallide moodustumiseni.","RBD Palm Olein IV58, Cloud Point 8 (CP8) has an iodine value of 56-58.is further fractionated to a more liquid fraction. The Refined Palm Olein Because of its fatty acid composition and good oxidative stability, RBD Palm OleinCP8 is excellent to be used as a liquid cooking oil and all the more suitable for frying.":"RBD Palm Olein IV58, hägususpunkt 8 (CP8) omab joodi väärtust 56-58 ja fraktsioneeritakse edasi vedelamaks fraktsiooniks. Rafineeritud Palm Olein, tänu oma rasvhappe koostisele ja heale oksüdatiivsele stabiilsusele, on RBD Palm Olein CP8 suurepärane vedel toiduõli ja veelgi sobivam praadimiseks.","RBD Palm Olein IV56, Cloud Point 10 (CP10) has an iodine value of 54-56. Because of its fatty acid composition and good oxidative stability, which is commonly bottled and sold as cooking oils and all the more suitable for frying.":"RBD Palm Olein IV56, hägususpunkt 10 (CP10) omab joodi väärtust 54-56. Tänu oma rasvhappe koostisele ja heale oksüdatiivsele stabiilsusele, mida tavaliselt pudeldatakse ja müüakse toiduõlina, on see veelgi sobivam praadimiseks.","RBD Palm Olein":"RBD Palm Olein"}